When it comes to cocktails, there’s few that capture mystery and intrigue as perfectly as the black magic shooters.

Ask your magic 8 ball if you should make these for your next Halloween party. “It is decidedly so” says the magic 8 ball.
This potent yet simple mix of vodka and coffee liqueur offers a deep rich flavor that delivers both a kick and a dark elegance. The black magic shooter is versatile. Its bold flavor makes a great choice for a post- dinner shot, especially if you’re serving it after a rich meal. It’s also perfect for themed parties (think Halloween, gothic inspired gatherings, or tarot card readings) thanks to its dark, intriguing look and name.

Ingredients for black magic shooters
The black magic shooter is all about balance. You have the clean sharp bite of vodka, balanced perfectly with the smooth, rich, and slightly sweet coffee liqueur. The liqueur adds a dark, robust flavor that gives this shooter it’s magical depth, while the vodka provides the bold foundation for the drink.
Vodka- It’s important to use a good quality vodka since it is the base of the drink and sets the tone for the entire cocktail.
Coffee liqueur- gives the shooter it’s signature dark, rich flavor, so feel free to choose one that has a robust coffee profile like Kahlua or Tia Maria
It is also a good idea to chill your vodka and coffee liqueur to give the drink a smoother finish and add a touch of sophistication.
An optional twist would be to rim the glass with fine sugar or add a light dusting of cocoa powder on top for a dramatic finish.

Black magic shooters
(serves 2)
2 ounces vodka
1 ounce coffee liqueur
In a cocktail shaker, place all ingredients and shake well. Strain into 2 shot glasses.

To health, wealth, and happiness! Cheers!