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Blueberry mojito

***(this post was originally published on August 3, 2015. It was titled “a mojito for your Monday” which is not SEO friendly and doesn’t even tell you it’s a blueberry mojito. So I updated it)***


This blueberry mojito is a refreshing and fruity twist that adds a burst of berry goodness to a timeless, classic cocktail.


I once had several blackberry mojitos before getting on a plane to fly to Florida all by myself.  It was at a small local airport and I actually wasn’t that afraid to fly it’s just that the mojitos tasted that good.  I can’t even talk about the time I flew to Mexico.  One of the worst experiences ever.  I could’ve used a few mojitos.  Actually I could’ve used some medication not mojitos.  Anyway it’s still hard for me to discuss.  So I won’t.  I’ll just talk about mojitos.  I used blueberries in this one because it pairs so nicely with the pineapple mint that I’m growing. this summer. I also have strawberry mint, regular mint, and my all time favorite-chocolate mint  And I used blueberries because I got a nice supply at my local farmers market.


Ingredients for a blueberry mojito

To make the perfect blueberry mojito, you’ll need the following ingredients:

Blueberries- fresh works best

Mint leaves- I used pineapple mint but you can uses regular

White rum

Lime wedge

Sugar- for a sweeter tastes, you can use simple syrup

Club soda



Blueberry mojito

(serves 1)

2 ounces white rum

15 blueberries

1 lime wedge

1/4 teaspoon sugar

5-6 mint leaves

Mint sprig for garnish

Start by adding the blueberries, mint leaves, lime wedge, and sugar to a sturdy glass. Using a muddler (or back of a wooden spoon if you don’t have a muddler) gently crush the ingredients together. Next add the rum and stir gently. Fill the glass with ice, then top it off with club soda and stir gently. Garnish with a mint sprig and a few fresh blueberries.


To health, wealth, and happiness! Cheers!

Published incocktailsdrinks


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