Creamy peanut butter, frozen banana, collagen powder, and milk of your choice all combine to make this delicious smoothie

Ok, so I have to admit that the inspiration for this smoothie came from the Bravo tv show The Real Housewives of Dubai. Please don’t judge me. On the show, Caroline Stanbury is sitting in bed with her soon to be (now) much younger husband and they ask their housekeeper to make them a peanut butter banana collagen smoothie. She brings them 2 smoothies in these same glasses that I used here, Caroline actually says that her smoothie is not that good. So I decided to try to make my own and I have to say it was very good.

Collagen seems to be all the rage these days for it’s anti aging benefits. It’s said to help keep skin more elastic, reduce wrinkles, and may relieve joint pain. It also has about 9 grams of protein per serving so some people substitute collagen powder for whey protein powder.

Peanut butter and banana are 2 of my favorite ingredients to put in smoothies or protein shakes. I used unflavored collagen powder and “original” almond milk. I surprisingly didn’t need to add anything else like a sweetener or vanilla to this smoothie. It was really tasty with just 4 ingredients.

Peanut butter banana collagen smoothie
(serves 1)
1/2 frozen banana
1 TBL peanut butter
2 scoops collagen powder
1 cup milk (I used original almond milk)
1/2 cup ice
Place all ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth.
