***UPDATE**** This post was originally published on *May 27, 2016*. I updated the pictures but most of the text remains the same.

Isn’t this just the prettiest little martini?!
The taste of this pretty purple martini is like an elevated cosmopolitan. Elevated with an extra orange flavor that helps create this aesthetically pleasing cocktail that’s quite tasty too.

I actually thought about calling it “my tribute to Prince martini.” You know, being purple and all. **(As a reminder- this post originally was posted on 5-27-16. Prince passed away on 4-21-16)**
So Mikey is a wee bit younger than I am, but can you believe he told me that he doesn’t remember ever listening to Prince. What? Who are you? Is that even possible? Maybe he just doesn’t remember listening to Prince. Surprisingly, he remembers watching Beverly Hills 90210 when his cousin babysat him, so I’m sure they had to have listened to Prince, right? I used to LOVE Prince. I had his 3-CD greatest hits collection. Surprisingly, I think I still have it.

Ingredients for pretty purple martini
This pretty purple martini kind of reminds me of a cosmopolitan which is vodka, orange liqueur, and cranberry juice with a lime. Correspondingly, in this purple martini I used orange vodka, cranberry juice, lime juice, and Blue Maui schnapps (blue curacao). The cranberry juice and the blue curacao make this drink the pretty purple color. I know, like you don’t already know that red and blue make purple.
Particularly, I remember Blue Maui and Sprite being one of the first alcoholic drinks I used to sneak besides the beer and Jack Daniels Elaine and I would steal from our parents. I think my sister had a bottle of Blue Maui after she turned 21 and she let me have some of it. Because it’s a schnapps, the alcohol content is lower than most other kinds of alcohols. So it’s sort of a “girly” or “sissy” drink. Like a Fuzzy Navel(peach schnapps and oj). I used to be such a lightweight, even after I turned 21. And then life happened and becoming a grown up happened and becoming besties with Trixie and Melissa happened and now I can drink like a champ. HAHA! Ok, not really.

Pretty purple martini
(serves 1)
2 ounce orange vodka
1/2 ounce Blue Maui or blue curacao
2 ounces cranberry juice
1/2 ounce lime juice
Lime wedge or lime twist for garnish, optional
Pour all ingredients into a shaker with ice. Shake well. Strain into a martini glass. Garnish with a lime wedge optional.

To health, wealth, and happiness! Cheers!