I’mmmmm baaaaack!!!! after an almost 2 year hiatus…I decided to just make this ridiculously easy red wine hot chocolate as my comeback drink. Why?
- It’s ridiculously easy
- it’s a great cold weather cocktail
- it’s perfect for valentine’s day
- I wanted to post a pic using my Martha Stewart pink heart shaped crock

Red wine hot chocolate has been a thing for several years now but I finally tried it for myself. Now, what makes this ridiculously easy is that I use pre made hot chocolate mix. Ovaltine to be exact. Because Ovaltine was my childhood. I always remember anytime we had a snow day from school we would go outside and play in the snow and when we came inside my mom would make us hot chocolate. She would heat the milk on the stove until that weird “skin” would form and then skim it off and pour the milk into mugs with a few scoops of Ovaltine. So that’s exactly what I did. I used my pink heart shaped Martha Stewart crock to heat the milk on the stove until the skin formed. Then I poured the milk into a mug with 2 scoops of Ovaltine and added the red wine. Marshmallows optional!

Recipe for red wine hot chocolate
Red Wine Hot Chocolate (serves 1)
- 1 cup milk
- 1/4 cup red wine (I used a cabernet sauvignon)
- 2 TBL hot chocolate mix
In a small saucepan over medium heat, heat the milk until a skin forms. Turn off heat and skim the skin off of the top. Place 2 tablespoons of Ovaltine or your favorite hot chocolate mix into a mug. Pour in milk and stir well. Add red wine and mix well.

Now go cuddle with your Valentine and enjoy this super simple drink.

To health, wealth, and happiness! Cheers!