This weeks sunday suppers is an abridged version. I’m not making as much due to thanksgiving being on Thursday. I am going to attempt a small thanksgiving dinner for me and my boyfriend. Embarrassingly enough, I don’t really know how to make thanksgiving dinner. Like one time many years ago I tried an 18 pound turkey and almost caught the oven on fire. I’ve always either worked on thanksgiving or worked the night before and just mooched dinner off of family. So this year I’m attempting a smaller version and still mooching off of family. The only reason I’m doing a meal myself is because I want an insane amount of leftovers and the family is eating really early. Oh, and because I’m not baking 100+ pies this year so I have a little bit of time to prepare some things and shop for the ingredients. Scalloped potatoes from a box, gravy in a jar, stuffing in a bag…you know, the essentials. I don’t think I’ve ever made mashed potatoes either. Holy shit I suck!!! And the fact that I’m admitting this all to you means I’m insane too!!! I have made gravy from scratch and I’m going to try it again but I’ll buy a jar just in case it doesn’t turn out right. One of the leftovers I’m going to make is an item we order from a local tex-mex restaurant called a gobblerito. It’s turkey, stuffing, corn, and mashed potatoes all wrapped in a flour tortilla and covered in gravy. It is so freaking good and they only have it for like 2 months out of the year. I can’t decide what to drink on thanksgiving. Probably cranberry wine because I don’t eat cranberry sauce. That makes up for it right? A local winery by my house makes a really good cranberry wine called “sauced.” Tonight’s sunday supper is steak salads. Keeping it healthy before the pants popping holidays begin ya know. I have to keep the salads away from cats. They never act like they care what we’re eating or pay any attention. I mean they’re cats not dogs. But apparently they both like salads and everytime I eat one (from Texas Roadhouse) they come over and and lick it. I then throw it away of course!! I always think they’re just being curious and looking at it and sniffing it and then they try to eat it. Gross but funny. TMI too? haha sorry.
And just because I feel like this post needs a picture…..