Oh we all know that game , right? Unless you’re like my bestest friend who tried on a bathing suit a few months ago and saw imaginary back fat and promptly started myfitnesspal, wore her fitbit, and trained for a 5k. She lost like 10lbs of organs? or something? and looks absolutely more fabulous. Oh and I forgot to mention she’s 54. Bitch. Just kidding, I love her to death! So yes she’s like my idol and I’ve been crying over clothes that are too tight and rolls that keep on multiplying so of course “my diet starts today!
This cocktail is something I order a lot when I got out to bars, parties, clubs, weddings, events etc… It’s quite refreshing and is something I can sip at rather than chug. It’s also lower in calories with club soda having zero calories and just a “splash” of cranberry. If you want to go all out then omit the cranberry and add a lemon instead of a lime. or use both. I like my drink with a bit more flavor so I add the “splash” of cranberry.
Besides my ill fitting clothes (that I tried to blame on my boyfriend’s dryer shrinking them since I moved in) the inspiration for mentioning this drink is from binge watching the real housewives of orange county. It’s one of my guilty pleasures. And one of my favorites on the show, Shannon, always orders a vodka (grey goose), soda, splash of cranberry with a lime in a tall glass Like every. single. episode. So through the power of suggestion or repetition or whatever I was all like oh I haven’t had that drink for awhile and oh boy do I need to get my ass to the gym more than 1-2 times a week so yes, let’s make this drink!
So I guess I’ll need to stop eating these
and this
and this
and when I need a refreshing cocktail I’ll mix up one of these
the “my diet starts today” cocktail
2 oz vodka (if u want to be like Shannon use grey goose)
club soda
cranberry juice
a lime
fill a tall glass with ice. pour in 2 oz vodka and fill glass with club soda. add a splash of cranberry juice and a wedge or a slice of lime. Enjoy!