just a few things I’ve been up to lately…..

Spent time at the playground with his talking hamster. It was almost 100 degrees out and we were there for a good 2 hours. It kept looking like it was going to rain and actually started to when we left. We stopped and got ice cream on the way home and it never tasted so good.

Climbing up the covered twisty slide when no one else is around.

We went to the pet store to buy some food for his hamster. We said hello to Sheldon the tortoise.

We also went to see the fish and to show his dad fish. He’s asking for a fish this year for his birthday. His theme for his party is “fish” this year which is a heck of a lot easier than the hamster theme he wanted last year.

Speaking of hamsters, this little shit escaped from his cage and it took over 2 hours to capture him. I put duct tape around the tube that he was able to escape from but the next morning I found him trying to get out of the same spot and ripping the duct tape. So I added more duct tape and hopefully he can’t escape again.

We went bike riding on the river trail. It called for rain again but we managed to not get caught in any and had a really nice ride, albeit a very hot one.

He’s getting so tall that this is probably the last summer for him to ride in the trailer.

This is a really cool rock formation along the trail. It’s called a mailbox formation because of the many small holes across it’s face.

Posing on my $50 walmart cruiser bike.
That’s it. Another great week in the books!
Hope you have a fantastic week ahead!
You look like me in the bike picture lol