just a few things I’ve been up to lately…….

Practicing riding his bike. For some reason he’s so not into it this summer but I try to encourage him to practice all the time.

Final check up for Elvira Kittypants at the vet. She’s trying to hide behind the curtain.

We spent what felt like hours one day blowing these giant bubbles. We went through 1 1/2 big bottles of bubble solution.

We are cat magnets. The big black cat is Onyx. We were visiting him at Mike’s work and out of nowhere appeared this other black kitty. He has a collar on but we don’t know who he belongs to.

Jackson in my garden. He was running through it calling it the Tulgey woods from Alice in wonderland. My garden is doing great this year. Tomatoes are bomb. My trick is to not water them.

Helping Dad mow grass. And no, my child does not like to wear a shirt. I make him when we go public places. And he won’t wear shorts either. Only long pants.

We went to a farmer’s market and he got a paint your own cookie. I also got some really good strawberries.

His final masterpiece.

I found socks that look like Elvira Kittypants! Cutest thing ever. And the socks too! HA! I tried to take a picture of me and her while I was wearing the socks but she kept running away.

We went for another bike ride on the trail again.

Playground break halfway through our ride.

Chilly, rainy day so we went to Chuck E Cheese. With Cookie Monster.

All he wants to do is go in the ticket blaster.

Cookie monster is enjoying the ride too.

Afterwards, we went to the mall and rode the elevator and escalators and threw pennies in the fountain. Sometimes he has just as much fun doing this as he does playing games at Chuck E Cheese.
What a busy, fun week we had!
Hope you have a fantastic week ahead!