just a few things I’ve been up to lately…..

We baked a cake. A Ghostbuster’s cake to be exact. He was watching some things on Youtube about the Ghostbuster’s and singing the theme song for a few days last week and then he saw somebody make a cake and decorate it with the ghostbuster’s logo. He came to me and said he wanted to make it. So we did.

Can you even believe how talented we are??? We had leftover mix so we made a few cupcakes too.

I mean seriously!! It was really good too! So good I had to throw it away because I couldn’t stop sneaking bites of it.

Had some nice weather. So we went for a little stroll.

He’s hard at work trying to fix his car.

Asher’s sleeping spot now that she comes inside because it’s too cold out. I even put a soft fluffy blanket on a chair and she still picks the towel on the back of the toilet. Silly cat!

Inspired by another youtube video, we went on a search for a slurpee from 7-11. He really wanted to try a peach perfect one but his only option was a acai-blueberry-pomegranate one that he actually really liked.

We put up and decorated our Christmas tree this weekend! He was actually a really big help this year even though he broke 2 of my favorite ornaments. In his defense, I should have put a towel or throw rug down on the hardwood in case he dropped any which is what happened.

And the weather turned freezing but we still went for another stroll. Actually we were racing which helped keep us a little bit warm.

Peek a boo!
And that’s it. Another great week in the books. This week is all about getting ready for Thanksgiving.
Hope you have a fantastic week ahead!