just a few things I’ve been up to lately….

A few weeks ago we got the book Brown bear, brown bear, what do you see? free from the library(to keep) and I found these cute free printables on pinterest that go along with the book. First you match the m&m’s color to the animal then you graph the color of the m&m’s. It was fun. Of course he liked eating the m&m’s when we were done. On a side note, notice the crockpot on the table. I use it to store candy when not in use. It is still full of Halloween candy!

Every evening I feed the hamster and he actually will wake up and come over to this little window in his castle and take the food from me. I call it his drive thru window. It’s hilarious.

We packed up 4 “shoebox’s” for operation Christmas child through Samaritan’s Purse. I did this last year with 2 shoebox’s and it was so cool to do that this year we did 4 boxes. 2 for girls and 2 for boys.

He’s such a ham.

We then went to a local church to drop off the boxes where they are sent overseas for less fortunate children.

He loves to drink orange crush. Every Tuesday he gets to drink a mini can of orange crush if he visits his uncle. Well the other day his Uncle dropped off this orange crush cake.

He thought it was so cool! (It was actually way too sweet and not very good).

This crazy nut escaped again (it was my fault, I bumped his cage and a tube came dislodged). We were in the bathroom while Jackson was getting out of the bath tub and all of a sudden there was the hamster. The scary part this time is that Asher was in the house. So we are not sure if she chased him or not but we just thank God she didn’t kill him.

Pie season!! I baked 22. If you read my pumpkin pie martini post last week, I said I wasn’t baking pies but it was actually a repost from 2015. So I did make pies but definitely not 140.
And that’s about it! Another wonderful week in the books!
Getting ready to eat tons of food (especially pies) and do lots of shopping!
Hope you have a fantastic week ahead and a Happy Thanksgiving!