just a few things I’ve been up to lately….

We played some wicked games of tic tac toe in a frosty the snowman activity book.

Trying to get a pic of him because I liked his outfit but he was on the go busy playing. What I’m not sure, but he was on a mission.

Had a vey busy craft day, Sculpting and painting. He’s painting chocolate chip cookies. We also made ones that look like smiley cookies.

Christmas shopping. He wanted me to take his pic by the mannequins.

He loves those fountains at the mall.

Once again trying to get a pic in a cute outfit and once again I was denied.

We babysat Princess Kitty Brooklyn. We stopped in at my sister’s house once a day to check on her and feed her. Poor lil girl was so lonely, she even let cookie monster pet her. And she only bit my leg once.

His Nam and Pap bought him a hershey kiss countdown calendar. He loves it because he gets to eat a hershey kiss every single morning. Also, I love these Christmas pj’s. They’re so cute and he’s so cuddly in them and he actually let me take a decent pic of him in them.

Our neighbor sent over a little pre-xmas gift for him and it included this snow in a can. It was really bizarre. There was a little packet of something that you poured in a cup and added water and stirred. And it looked like snow. There wasn’t any ingredients on the can and I didn’t bother to google it because I kind of didn’t really want to know. It entertained him for about an hour.

We’re still trying to work off all that pie from Thanksgiving.
And that’s it for another wonderful week!
Hope you have a great week ahead!