just a few things I’ve been up to lately….

Making some holiday m&m cookies that will never make it to the holidays.

Yum! We also made a batch of chocolate chip cookies that I put in the freezer that will make it to the holidays. Unless Mikey goes on one of his late night binges and starts sneaking them.

Had a touch of mild weather so we played outside. Cookie monster played outside with us. First we played with bubbles and then with this chalk bakery set. Then we had races and then Jackson and cookie rolled down this little hill multiple times. Poor cookie monster was filthy and we had to give him a bath and throw him in the dryer. Luckily only Jackson’s pants and coat were muddy.

Tried a new slurpee flavor. Blue raspberry- he said it was ok.

Fluffy little fur ball. She’s so snuggly.

Mike’s sister is pregnant and they gave us this on Thanksgiving. I forgot to post it. I’m so honored. We are so excited for the baby. Jackson can’t wait either. He keeps saying he wishes the baby was in my belly!!

He’s a hamster in a hamster tube.

So a month or so ago, I put up a pic of my socks that had Elvira kittypants on them. I found these socks that look like 20th century fox the hamster on them. Now I just need socks with a tuxedo cat on them.

Speaking of tuxedo cat, this crazy cat-Asher, was totally depressed for like 2 days. I don’t know if she was sick or what but she barely ate and barely moved for 2 days straight. Then all of a sudden the next day she was running all around and sitting outside in the sunshine and eating non stop. I’m so glad she feels better but she drives me nuts.
And that’s it! Another fantastic week in the books! Oh there was also lots of Christmas shopping this week but I didn’t take any pictures. We are going to see Santa this coming week and do some more baking.
Hope you have a great week ahead!!