just a few things I’ve been up to lately….

We went to see Santa!!!! He looks so grown up in this pic I could cry.

He did not want to sit on Santa’s lap. I said ok but that he had to smile. This is what I got. Plus he wouldn’t even look at Santa. He’s too funny.

He enjoyed the fountain much more than Santa. And he never wants to ride the train either.

Another “smiling” selfie with Mom.

We went to Toys R Us at Macy’s. He wanted to sit like Geoffrey and he told me to take his picture.

Since he didn’t want to look at Santa much less talk to him, we mailed him a letter.

Then we went to Barnes and Noble and he played with the train and we bought some books.

Decorated a gingerbread house. This one was pre made which is so much better than the ones you have to put together yourself.

We baked cookies! These are chocolate cookies with peanut butter chips. They are me and my sister’s favorite.

Also made reese cup cookies and hershey kiss cookies which I guess are called peanut blossoms. I have never call them that in my life.
And that’s it for another awesome week! I’m so excited for Christmas! Jackson is so excited for Santa!
I hope you have a wonderful holiday and a great week ahead!
Merry Christmas!!!
You have brought up a very great details , thankyou for the post.