just a few things I’ve been up to lately…..
It was a very low key week. Which was good. Sometimes we need it.

He told me to take a picture of him and Asher. He even said he would “smile” for it.

Having fun with snapchat

I have no words, just laughter!

I love this! And that little animal is so cute!

Not a flattering pic, but this steak with portabella mushroom and baked potato from Conforti’s was absolutely bomb!

So almost every morning while we eat breakfast, I sit in front of a SAD lamp. And every morning, Elvira Kittypants comes and sits with me in front of or right next to the light.

He wanted to be like the boy on A Christmas Story and the T-mobile commercial.

Asher is so bored this winter she can’t wait to play everyday.

Jackson took this pic. I’m impressed even though it’s blurry.

Play-dough time. I make him play it on a tray.
And that’s it! Another wonderful week!
Hope you have a great week ahead!