just a few things I’ve been up to lately….

We went to Catfeinated Cafe with my sister. I just love this place. My sister and I both tried the drink “feline lucky.” It was a pistachio matcha latte. it was really good. And the kitties are just the greatest.

Cookie monster got to come along too. This cat was into him.

Playing in the Kitty room.

Jax went to the barber shop and got a haircut and proceeded to come home and play barber shop with Elvira Kittypants. He put a cape on her and used fake scissors and pretended to cut her hair. I couldn’t get a good pic of her face, but if you could’ve seen it. She was not amused at all but put up with it and didn’t run away.

Riding the bike he wouldn’t even sit on last year. And we have had some very cold weather and all he wants to do is go outside and play. He loves the cold and ice and snow, Not sure how he’s my kid.

We went bowling again! This time we were at a different bowling arena and we couldn’t get a lane with bumpers. He actually only bowled 10 points less than he did last week with bumpers. We went this week for his Uncle Al’s 30th birthday. It was a lot of fun.

I went to afternoon tea with my sister, my niece, my nephew’s girlfriend, and my sister’s friend. It was a really good time and everything was so good. The scones and sugared grapes were delicious. I had a blueberry crumb cake tea and it was so good. My sister treated us all. Thanks Nay Nay!

The place is in an old Victorian home and it’s so gorgeous inside.

Riding his bike in the snow.

Love this quote.
And that’s it! Another great week in the books!
Hope you have a fantastic week ahead!