just a few things I’ve been up to lately….

This is a 1000 piece puzzle that my dad put together and then framed to give to Jackson because he is really into Mario.

Mike took a day off last week and we went into Pittsburgh. We went to our favorite breakfast spot that we hadn’t been to in years.

Jackson tried chocolate chip pancakes. He liked them!

Then we stopped by the fish market where he got to see a bunch of live fish.

We played bingo with this cheap little set I got from the dollar tree and we kept losing the balls and it was really annoying so we gave up.

Then I got this cheap set from 5 below and we still lost a number and got really annoyed and gave up. I guess I didn’t learn my lesson that you get what you pay for.

Asher enjoying the sunshine.

Got some new rainboots.
(I’m about sick of this little face he likes to make when I take his picture lol)

We went to story time at a local library. We actually checked out 2 different libraries story time but I only have pictures of this one.

We decorated an Easter bunny cookie house. It was supposed to have bunny ears on the roof but one was broke and Jackson wanted to eat them so I let him.

The finished house.

Elvira enjoying the sunshine.
And that’s it! Another wonderful week in the books.
Hope you have a great week ahead!