just a few things I’ve been up to lately…..

It’s become a monday tradition- after story time at the library we go to mcdonald’s play place if the weather isn’t that great.

We went to Home Depot for their 1st saturday of the month kids diy project. It was so fun and so cute!

First you build it.

Then you paint it.

Ta-da! The finished project! They even gave you a packet of lettuce seeds to go with it.

Next up, we went to our local library’s once a month story time where they read 2 books and we do a craft. It’s a flower/pot recipe holder.

Fat cat

Baby cousin love!!

This crazy crazy rolled down the steps in his ball and the top of the ball came off and he escaped. We found him in our workout room and thankfully he survived the fall or should I say the bounce down the steps.

Camo kitty almost blends into the rug.
And that’s it! Another wonderful week in the books!
Hope you have a great week ahead!