just a few things I’ve been up to lately…..

Pretending to be Luca

Cooling off in his pool

Playing puppets at Barnes and Noble with Aunt Nay

Then we went to the Cat cafe

I’m going to photo dump you with cat pics

I just love this place!

They have good drinks there too

Shy kitty

This kitty has been there for awhile. I want to adopt her. Or for someone else to adopt her.

This is the kitten room. They were very playful

Watching the other kitties

Oh hello there!

These 2 were so funny. They played with a toy mouse and would hit it under the door and then lay there and reach their paws under the door trying to get it back.

This little cutie was sitting in a box and then got up and walked right over to me and sat down on my lap.

Hey wait! It’s not the cat cafe… it’s my kitchen and Asher is taking a break from the heat outside and laying on the cool ceramic tile

Sleeping together…
And that’s it! Another wonderful (cat filled) week in the books!
Hope you have great week ahead!