just a few things I’ve been up to lately…..

It was Mikey’s birthday so I made one of his (and mine) favorite dinners- carne asada, homemade pico de gallo, homemade guacamole, homemade chips, and jalapeno goat cheese queso.

We made a grimace shake. If you don’t know what this is all about, google it or better yet, look it up on youtube. And then try to get the “happy birthday Grimace” song out of your head.
This shake was really good. It’s vanilla ice cream, milk, blueberries, and raspberries.

We got to go visit Princess Kitty Brooklyn and give her some pets and treats.

Cousin baby Gracie came for a visit. We were supposed to babysit her but things didn’t work out that way so they came for a visit.

Cousins chillin on the floor

We went to a family fun center and had a blast

First we played some mini golf

Smiling like always….

Then we played in the arcade

His dad is so excited that he can actually play these games now. I’m so excited too, because Mikey used to make me play them all of the time and now Jackson can and I don’t have to.

He won over 500 tickets on this game

He actually won a few times on the claw machine. Overall he won over 1000 tickets. He was thrilled.

Then we rode go karts

McDonald’s play place after story time which we hadn’t been to in a few weeks

Blue slushie to match his outfit

Driving home….. they grow up so fast…

Off roading with his pal cookie monster
And that’s it! Another fantastic week in the books!
Hope you have a great week ahead!