just an few things I’ve been up to lately….
We went to the zoo with my bestest friend aka Trixie aka Aunt Terri this week. We had a blast. After the first few pictures the rest is a photo dump of pics from the zoo.

Home Depot DIY kids craft day.

It’s a treasure chest. I always forget to take a pic of the finished product.

Mike and I had a date night for his birthday. We went to The Lobster Shak. This was my dinner- shrimp, lobster, crabmeat over linguine. It was heavenly!

Mikey had a porterhouse steak with lobster tail, shrimp, hush puppies, and a baked potato. Both dinners came with a salad too. Both meals fed us for 2 days.

I wanted a rematch on mini golf. I lost to Mikey again.

Jackson wanted to hit up the arcade again.

Mike did too


Here he is with a Komodo dragon

I can’t even with the faces he makes

Momma and her babies

I like his hairdo

I had to completely zoom in on the gorilla hiding the baby gorilla. SOOO cute!

This giraffe was so close I felt like it could step right over the fence

It was so cute!

So pretty! and scary!

Just chillin with the gator

He seems so tiny

This fish kept swimming by his head

This fish kept coming up to his hand on the glass

I could not for the life of me get a good pic of the penguins. Even the one swimming by his head.

He really liked he aquarium

Sea otters going for a relaxing swim

I forget what kind of bird this is but they were just walking along the path

Play time

And at the end of a long day, he got an icee as a treat
And that’s it! Another wonderful week in the books!
Hope you have a fantastic week ahead!