just a few things I’ve been up to lately….

We took a trip to Barnes and Noble to spend his gift cards he got at Xmas.

We looked at books and played with the train

This is what he purchased

He lost his first tooth!! While he was at his grandparents house. They put it in a bag for him and he wrote R.I.P. tooth 2018-2024. He’s too funny.

While Mike and I were working out on Sunday, Jackson made this and took pictures of it. It’s ticket water. He really liked the golden ticket cocktail I made 2 weeks ago. He liked that I used his printed out “golden tickets” and had a drink named that. He keeps asking me to make a non alcoholic golden ticket for him to taste. The best part about his “ticket water” is the index card with the name, ingredients, and picture on it because this is what I do for my blog.

I actually got the idea to do this from Giada.

Building Lego Santa’s workshop. Jackson really wanted this so I made him use his money to buy it.


Then it was back to the Lego Alpine Lodge I started last week. With a little bit of help from Elvira Kittypants.

Over halfway done

Asher helping me workout

Jackson made another board game.

Mike finally finished his canvas painting (the snowmen)

Jackson’s art gallery wall. The top 2 are new. The one on the left is a pic of the tooth fairy. The one on the right is a self portrait. He did both of these in art class at school.
And that’s it! Another wonderful week in the books.
Hope you have a great week ahead!