just a few things I’ve been up to lately…..

I’m not usually one to buy Starbucks but when I saw this iced lavender cream oat milk matcha latte, i really wanted to try it. It did not disappoint.

Jackson really wanted to try a cake pop from starbucks, so I bought him one. He liked it.

This is Asher in the insulated cat box that I wanted Petey to go into this winter. Well Asher decided to go in it on a day that was about 70 degrees. These cats drive me crazy.

We went bowling over the weekend. There was a birthday party going on so it was cosmic bowling.

He bowled pretty well.

I’m the 2nd-middle “L” and I won! The first round anyway. Literally think this is the best I ever bowled.

Demanding attention while I’m trying to work.

Jackson made me this card at school for no reason

My heart exploded! Lately for some reason he’s been calling me “mimi” or “me me” or as he spelled it “mei mei” I just love this kid so much it hurts.
And that’s it! Another fantastic week in the books!
Hope you have a great week ahead!