just a few things I’ve been up to lately…..

At the mall to see the Easter bunny!

He makes the craziest faces and does the craziest things when he goes to see the Easter bunny and Santa.

What’s funny this time, is that the Easter bunny is making silly gestures at his silliness

This is the best one we could get out of 7

Then he got an Aunt Annie’s pretzel

Threw pennies in the fountain, rode the escalators and elevators…

And posed like Geoffrey at toys r us at Macy’s

Foxy 2.0 likes strawberries and carrots

Coloring Easter eggs with Dad. There’s so many crazy ways to color eggs these days but we just like to old tablet in vinegar water with a clear crayon to write on the eggs.

Good times

Elvira Kittypants saying pet me please and not letting me get any work done.
And that’s it! Another wonderful week in the books!
Hope you have a great week ahead! Happy Easter! (and Happy Birthday Nay Nay!)