just a few things I’ve been up to lately……
- I have never been a last minute xmas shopper. This year I have become one and it is making me so stressed out. The sad thing is, I have ALOT of extra time to do things and I never get them done. Pathetic.
- Let’s talk christmas cookies. I was so excited to make them. Now I can’t stop eating them. I was better off with pie. My waistline would agree. And the failures.
My poor pecan tassies.
And I burnt a batch of brookies. The brownie cookie combo that my boyfriend really likes. Bombed.
- Let’s talk about happier things!
I have always wanted to receive an edible arrangement! And I finally did from my dear friend Ricky. Along with one of my favorite gifts to receive always-scratch off lottery tickets. So excited!! Like jump up and down excited like the delivery guy saw me do in my pj’s when he delivered my edible arrangement. For real. I clapped and jumped. I’m a dork. It’s the little things ya know. Omg ok I’ll stop.

Nero would probably wish you a merry Christmas too but he’s out running around doing wild cat things because it’s like 60 something degrees around here and he’s so excited to be outside all the time. Like jump up and down excited. Like me when I get an edible arrangement. And because I LOVE 60 degree weather in December. Just like Nero. I can give 2 shits about a white Christams.
Elvira kittypants is like a little kid. She has to put everything in her mouth.