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what up wednesdays

just a few things I’ve been up to lately……

It was kind of a low key sort of week. We tried to go on the bike trail over the weekend. It was the first time this year we got our bikes out plus Jackson’s trailer. Which we knew was going to be too small for him but he wanted to ride in it anyway. As soon as we started out on the trail, dirt flew in his eyes and he proceeded to scream and cry like someone stabbed him in the chest. So we turned around and went home. Whomp whomp.

So now you get pictures of fat cats…

And pretty cats..

And selfies that I didn’t know about until I opened my gallery…

And selfies with cats on Snapchat that I didn’t know about…

I forgot to post this last week. It was my mother’s day cards that he made in preschool and he hid from me until Mother’s day.

$20 sunscreen that was the only kind Walmart had that was rated good on the Yuka app. Ugh! $20 for that itty bitty tube.

Riding a skate board for the first time. And yes I realize he should have pads/helmet/clothes on but he was just trying it out.

He invites his grandma over every evening and makes her play with him.

Twinning! I got to be a chaperone on his field trip and it was so much fun!!

And that’s it! Another fantastic week in the books!

Hope you have a great week ahead!

Published inwhat up wednesdays

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