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what up wednesdays

just a few things I’ve been up to lately…..

Jax graduated from Kindergarten. They had a little ceremony and he was being so funny that I still can’t believe Mr. SHY boy was being so silly. He told me he was going to shuffle up with his hands under his chin to get his certificate. And he did. Everyone was laughing and saying he must be the class clown.

After the ceremony they got to come home with us. We went to visit this little cutie. She was a little bit leery of Jax so she went in her room to sleep.

So we made books while we were there to keep her company.

Ice cream!

Veggies from the CSA

He had an early dismissal on the last day of school so my parents took us out for pizza and cake.

Home Depot DIY kids workshop

It drives his Dad nuts when he paints these projects

It’s a grill gift card holder

Peanut butter banana chocolate chip oat muffins with no refined sugar. This is what Jax eats for breakfast.

Summer break means library story time. They read 3 books outside and then they played with this giant tent.

Then we went inside the library to play with toys and look at some books.

So I actually finished this book last week. It was SO good. All 715 pages of it. I’m going to start a books category here on the blog very soon. I’ll talk more about this book when I do.

I read this book last week. It was really good also. Again, more on this book soon….

And that’s it! Another fabulous week in the books!

Hope you have a great week ahead!

Published inwhat up wednesdays

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