just a few things I’ve been up to lately…..
He’s performing a magic show as part of his circus act for his youtube channel hampsterbabyTV. This episode is called hamster baby and friends join the circus.
Babysitting Kitty Brooklyn and she enjoyed our company so much she actually sat by Jax for a few minutes. She usually steers clear of him.
She hung out with us the whole time while we made “Cookie Hamster the Game.” Think Pac-man but with cookies…. can you find cookie hamster?
All of his hard work earned him a trip to McDonald’s
CSA pick up day
Always have to give Clyde some pets at the farm
And then some ice cream because it was 90+ degrees for like the 20th day in a row… or so it seems like.
Just look at all these delicious organic veggies and fruits!
Found this on my phone
Library story and craft time
Playing with some legos at the library
Behind the scenes of some upcoming drinks…
And that’s it! Another wonderful week in the books!
Hope you have a great week ahead!