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what up wednesdays

just a few things I’ve been up to lately…..

Little McDonald’s playland action

Followed up with some lunch

We’ve done this for like the past 3 summers… We take cookie hamster(monster) for a walk around the neighborhood in a dump truck.. I really don’t know why…but it’s kind of fun..

CSA veggies and fruit

The peaches were AMAZING, the blueberries good, but the summer apples were a tad sour…

I made chicken bruschetta (on the right), a regular pizza (at the top) and a white pizza with my CSA heirloom tomato (on the left). They were all delicious. Especially the white pizza. The dough was homemade from a Delallo’s pizza kit.

He really, really, really, wanted to try Spaghettio’s. I agreed, but if he liked them, I told him he has to eat a homemade version from now on, not the shit that comes in the can.

We went to a local farmers market that is right next to a park. We used to play in this creek ALL THE TIME when he was little.

He had so much fun!

He even played at the playground

We made a stop at the pet store to buy some hamster food and check out the fish

We had to go search for Sheldon who was trying to get into a storage room

Taking a break from swimming

These are plushie characters from The Amazing Digital Circus which is a show he watches on his tablet. We ordered these online and he could not wait to get them in the mail. He kept taking pics of them to send to people.

Storytime and craft at the library.

And that’s it! Another wonderful week in the books!

Hope you have a great week ahead!

Published inwhat up wednesdays

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