just a few things I’ve been up to lately…..

We went to a new story time at Barnes and Noble. It was really cute! They read a book, we did a craft, and they had a cute little snack. All themed to the book.

His painted sea shell craft and they gave the kids a sand toy and lei to take home

Then we met up with Aunt Nay at a coffee shop and had lunch

After lunch they drew some sidewalk art with chalk

Then we went to a library

He checked out the toys while I checked out the books

Jax and Aunt Nay played for an hour

We made a homemade book and Elvira Kittypants was very intrigued. Also the little tree in the background is a craft that him and his grandma worked on. It’s a crystal garden.

CSA haul for the week. I got extra peaches because they are so good

I made shrimp and grits with swiss chard. The recipe is from my blog. You can find it here. I used swiss chard instead of spinach. Also I cooked my grits instead of the microwave packets and instead of cheddar cheese, I used smoked gouda. Boy was it good!

It was Mike’s birthday so we went out to eat with the family. Cousin love!

We watched Inside Out on Sunday morning. We watched the first one. The second one is in theaters. There’s a character in the movie called Bing Bong. It’s the girls imaginary friend and he has a rocket. Jax wanted to make his own Bing Bong’s rocket. So we did. And then I had to pull him around the neighborhood.
And that’s it! Another fantastic week in the books!
Hope you have a great week ahead!