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what up wednesdays

just a few things I’ve been up to lately….

Barnes and Noble story time. They had to sub someone in again so it was just a cute little story with a coloring page and a cookie.

Haven’t shown this little rascal in awhile

Practicing bike riding

CSA veggies/fruit this week

Home Depot DIY craft time

His painting of these projects drives his Dad crazy

It’s a white board that came with it’s own little marker

We got Texas Roadhouse take out and they gave us a bag of rolls and regular butter not cinnamon butter. I mean talk about a travesty. Like what is even the point of eating Texas Roadhouse if not for the rolls with cinnamon butter.

He made another one of his very own board games. It’s called Hamster Baby the Game 2. You play it with dominoes instead of dice. He took this pic and I love his little toes in the shot.

His 2 favorite foods- Delallo pepperoni roll and Cookie Monster cupcake

Got some swimming in twice this week

Sweet Elvira Kittypants

So Jax and I are both on a reading kick this summer. We check out a bunch of books from the library each week.

This is what I read so far this spring/summer. I love that I’m on a big reading kick. I haven’t read like this in YEARS! I’m going to write a separate blog post with a little review of the books I read. Hopefully, once he’s back in school in 2 weeks, I’ll write the post. I get all of my books from my Mom, not from the library.

Not usually into these kind of books but everyone kept talking about it so I thought I’d give it a try and I can’t put it down!

And that’s it! Another wonderful week in the books!

Hope you have a great week ahead!

Published inwhat up wednesdays

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