just a few things I’ve been up to lately……

It was an impromptu meet up with my parents. One of the libraries was having a used book sale and my parents were there so Jax hung out with them while I shopped the book sale.

Then we went to a coffee shop and had lunch

Finally got to see Clyde at the farm. It had been a few weeks since we last saw him.

CSA pick up. The peaches this year are insanely good. I haven’t made a single thing with them. Mike and I can’t stop eating them just as they are.

His school had a back to school bash. He wanted to go just for the Kona ice

They had raffle baskets and we won one!

So the next night he helped me make pizza’s

They were delicious!

His new teacher mailed him a letter. It’s so cute! What was really kind of ironic is that Jackson had been obsessed with confetti all summer long. We play America’s got talent and he gets the golden buzzer and confetti flies everywhere. So the fact that his new teacher sent him “ready confetti” tells me that it’s meant to be and his new teacher is going to be awesome and he’s really going to like her. (I’m also manifesting it!)

Cousin fun! We went out to eat and for ice cream for their grandma’s birthday.

We went to a Pirate’s baseball game for Sesame Street Day!

Cookie (Hamster) Monster went with us

All kids received a Grover doll. He also got a balloon sword.

Right after the game began, it started to pour down rain. Thankfully it didn’t last very long. Maybe 15-20 minutes

This was the view from our seats in the nose bleed section

Unfortunately, Mike had a panic attack because his fear of heights kicked in so we went down a few levels and stood for a few innings.

Such a fun day!

Such a beautiful ballpark and city!
And that’s it! Another awesome week in the books! And my baby started 1st grade today!!!!!!! Where.Does.The.Time.Go????
Hope you have a great week ahead!