just a few things I’ve been up to lately…..

It’s his 1st day of 1st grade!!!

His 2nd day of 1st grade. I took another pic because I liked his outfit and he’s smiling.

CSA haul this week which was exactly the same as last week. And I definitely grabbed extra peaches because they are sooooo good.

I made these swiss chard beef rolls. Very different and very good.

I also made this spicy shrimp with peach cucumber salad over rice. So so good.

And I had a TON of basil so I made this nut free pesto.

Clyde at the farm!

We went to Jax’s first high school football game. His little friend Scarlett got to cheer with the high school girls during the 1st quarter. He also liked watching/hearing the band play.

He’s a wizard from clash of clans- a video game him and his dad and grandma play. (I used to but don’t anymore)

After walking Jackson to school, I go on an extended walk and I saw this cat. It’s Simon! I posted about him a year ago. He was left homeless after his owner passed away and he literally just wandered the street he lived on and everyone took care of him. Last August was the last time we saw him and we thought maybe something bad happened to him but nope, here he is and someone must have taken him in and adopted him. On the same street too.

Every week I chop up a bunch of vegetables. Cucumbers and carrots are from my CSA.

Then I put them in a big container and we snack on them all week.

I make meat muffins for Mikey to eat for breakfast every morning. And also hard boil eggs (not pictured).

I washed a bunch of organic berries for us to eat. Mike uses frozen berries every night in his protein shakes and he pointed out the other day that the bag of frozen berries I buy from Aldi aren’t organic. So I bought fresh organic ones and washed and froze them for him. I’m such a good wifey.
And that’s it! Another wonderful week in the books!
Hope you have a great week ahead!