just a few things I’ve been up to lately…..

Sleepy kitty

It wasn’t very hot out but we got some ice cream anyway. It became kind of a tradition for us to get ice cream every week before we went to the farm to pick up our CSA box/bag

CSA haul

I grabbed extra apples

Pumpkin patch time. And he lost his other front tooth. So now we can sing the song- “all I want for xmas is my 2 front teeth!”

Cousin Gracie!

Having fun rolling in the pumpkin patch

These 2 are so cute together

The closest thing to a smile I could get

She loves to jump on top of him

The twins waiting for dinner

Another close up shot of my little Petey. He lets me get very close to him but he still won’t let me pet him. I mean dude it’s literally been 8 years!!! Just let me pet you!!!

Went to a used book store and picked up some cool books for me and Jax
It was my birthday yesterday. I went shopping and met my sister for lunch at Panera. I stopped at Delallo’s on the way home and bought my self one of their giant cinnamon rolls and it was divine! I ate the whole thing and basically made myself sick. More bday celebrations to come this weekend….
And that’s it! Another wonderful week in the books!
Hope you have a great week ahead!