just a few things I’ve been up to lately…..

Halloween festivities continue

Parade night

He’s waving to Santa who closes out the parade on a firetruck every year

More candy… this was just from the parade

Beautiful weather last week so we stopped for some ice cream

He told me to take a pic of him as he threw leaves in the air

Then it was trick or treat time!

And loads more candy

Elvira kittypants was checking out the treats

Then he had his Halloween party at school. These were his treats. They’re not allowed to bring in anything edible.

Helping me whip up pumpkin muffins

We put vanilla icing on a few of them to make “cupcakes” for cookie hamster (monster’s) birthday which was Saturday. I forgot to take a picture of his party.

Home Depot DIY workshop

We totally missed/forgot about the workshop in October. It was the first one we missed in over a year and a half

He made a pumpkin tic tac toe board

Gettin fresh

Foxy 2.0 says hello!
And that’s it! Another fantastic week in the books!
Hope you have a great week ahead!