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what up wednesdays

just a few things I’ve been up to lately……

He said, “Take a picture of me like I’m sleeping.”

Another flexible instruction day

These are called dalogna cookies or squid game cookies. We watched the 1st season of squid games(mike and I, not Jackson) 4 years ago and now the 2nd season is out but we don’t have netflix anymore. Well everyone was talking about it and Jax saw it on Youtube so he has been playing red light, green light and then he saw part of the cookie episode and wanted to try it. It’s basically melted down sugar and then you use a cookie cutter and the challenge is to get the cookie out without breaking it. He got the heart out but broke the star.

Jumping on dirty snow piles on the way home from school

Homemade pizza using Delallo’s pizza kit, sauce, and pepperoni.

Asher chilling with me while I workout

Made a batch of my peanut butter banana oat muffins that Jax eats every morning 6 days/week gluten and refined sugar free.

Also made these gluten free sundried tomato and feta savory muffins from they’re high protein and make 24 muffins. Mike eats 2/morning 6 days a week so this recipe lasts for 2 weeks (I freeze half).

Elvira Kittypants not letting me work because she wants some pets.

And that’s it! Another fantastic week in the books!

Hope you have a great week ahead!

Published inwhat up wednesdays