just a few things I’ve been up to lately…..

Jax was making a Youtube video where he turns into a cookie for his channel HampsterbabyTV

He made this sticker on his sticker maker he got for xmas. He’s been obsessed lately with presidents and the declaration of independence. So he makes these stickers all the time.

Playing Parcheesi with his Grandma Bev

Playing around while I put away laundry

Sleepy Asher cuddles

And then the sickness set in. I feel like we just got over the stomach flu and now this…

He would feel a little bit better for like 2 hours in the afternoon so we played board games

But on the 3rd day of missed school and having a temperature that did not want to go down, we went to the doctors and found out it’s Flu A. Ugh.
And that’s it! Another wonderful week in the books!
Hope you have a great week ahead!
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