just a few things I’ve been up to lately……..

I mentioned last week that we got hit with the flu. Oh my word did we ever. YUCK! So basically, you guys get pictures of animals this week.

Jax missed an entire week of school. He went back this Monday and I spent the past 2 days grocery shopping and doing lots of cleaning and laundry.

Lots of kitty snuggles while we were sick

We missed the Home Depot DIY workshop but Mike stopped in while the workshop was going on and picked up the project for us to do at home. Here Jax and Asher are putting the pin on his apron. It’s his 25th project pin and next time we go, he should get a special pin for 25 projects.

Project time

Basketball time!

Foxy in a bowl

My fave breakfast. Plain greek yogurt with organic berries and almonds, walnuts, and pecans. Plus a hard boiled egg.
And that’s it! Another wonderful week in the books!
Hope you have a great week ahead!
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