just a few things I’ve been up to lately…..
- Still reading the book Brooklyn and I’m not sure if I want to see the movie. We know the book is always better but there are occasionally a few times where the movie is good too. Brooklyn is turning out to be a really good book I can’t seem to put down even though it took me awhile to get back into reading mode. So I’m not sure I want to ruin my vision of the book with the movie but the previews of the movie that I’ve seen seem to match up pretty well with how I picture it to be. One of my all time favorite books is Cold Mountain by Charles Frazier. And I really loved the movie too. I think it was the cast of characters that really did it for me. Ummm hello Jude Law, I just loved him as the main male character. And Nicole Kidman and Renee Zellweger and did you know Jax from Son’s of Anarchy was in that movie too??? I did not know that til like 2 months ago. He played one of the bad guys but I remember thinking he was really hot when I watched the movie and now it all makes sense cuz it was Jax. So anyway, book to movie advice? Elaine who turned 40 watched Room and was meh, cuz book soooo much better. Same thing with the movie Wild. I still can’t decide.
- The Walking Dead. Ugh. I need to binge watch it. I can’t stand waiting each week but I can’t not watch it. I thought of trying to save a few and then binge watch but I just can’t. So this past weeks episode had me on the edge of my seat holding my breath. I just love that Carol is such a badass now but I just want to punch Maggie in the face for putting herself and the baby in so much danger. I hate that there is only a few episodes left. Why does it have to end??? My boyfriend and I laugh when they show previews of Fear the Walking Dead. It’s like the previews are better than the actual show. I’m not sure I’m going to watch it I was so disappointed with the first season. Any thoughts?