just a few things I’ve been up to lately…..
I worked an odd weekend afternoon shift at the club where I bartend. It was a beautiful day out so I wasn’t very busy. I literally had only 1 customer for the first 2 hours of my shift, but it was one of my favorite customers. Her name is Mary and she’s somewhere around 80 yrs old and she is the sweetest, most feistiest little old lady you’d ever wanna meet. Her and her husband used to come into the club a few times a week for a few drinks in the afternoon before dinner. Her husband passed away a few years ago and Mary still likes to come in for a few beers in the early afternoon. She was a whiskey drinker but now she just sticks with beer. So whenever I work, especially if it’s in the afternoons, I always have The Food Network on 1 of the several TV’s we have in the place. This prompts a lot of conversation about food and recipes which is right up my alley. So Mary and I always talk recipes and she’s given me a few good ones in the past plus she gets to reminiscence about her husband because he was a pretty good cook himself. Over the weekend Mary gave me a cookbook from her collection and even signed it on the inside. It’s not an old cookbook but it’s one she’s made several recipes out of and really liked. It was an awesome gift and I just love her to pieces.

TV talk! There isn’t any. If we are hanging out and the TV is on, we have either had baseball on or the hockey playoffs or Ridiculousness. Game of Thrones starts this sunday so we’re kind of excited about that.
I mentioned Food Network before and I had to laugh at this Boozy Pies Inspired by Classic Cocktails. Totally right up my alley(sorry, that’s the second time I used that phrase). They even have a margarita pie like the one I made here. I think I may have to try the mudslide pie or maybe the dark and stormy pie…
I made some m&m cookies over the weekend
Unfortunately they were gone before I could remember to take the “after” picture. Oops.
So what have you been up to lately? Any good books or must see tv?
It’s too funny that we ate all cookies before the pic was taken lmao… sorry
They were sooo good, we couldn’t help ourselves lol!