just a few things I’ve been up to lately…..
Oh Chipotle, how do I love thee…
1. it’s gluten free
2. it tastes good
3. it’s “healthy” fast food
4. I don’t have to make it
5. I haven’t gotten sick yet eating it!
We planted our garden! Tomatoes, peppers, eggplant(Mikey’s choice), and pumpkins(also Mikey’s choice). Also planted my pineapple mint, chocolate mint, oregano, and sage. I forgot to buy basil. Hope I can still find some. Also need to plant some flowers too. I just love this time of year!!
TV talk- Game of Thrones…Oh poor Hodor! We were watching the hockey game sunday night so we didn’t watch GOT until Monday night. But on Monday morning, I couldn’t help myself and read all about GOT on the internet and boy I’m glad I did. It prepared me and I didn’t cry too much. Poor Hodor. We have 1 episode of Billions left that we will probably watch tonight. Wish that show didn’t have to end.
Any cool plans for the Holiday weekend???