just a few things I’ve been up to lately……
- It was a happy hour get together for my mom’s birthday. Black rum and coke was the drink du jour and we snacked on crackers and cheese and ordered pizza. Very simple and very enjoyable.
- I’ve been obsessed with blueberry flavored coffee lately. I even threw in some rumchata (cinnamon rum cream) and oh my heavens.
- Binge watching The Wire. It’s one of my Mom’s top 3 favorite series of all time.
- Binge watching The walking dead season 5! Finally it’s out, and I got a Daryl mini with it! Also watching Fear the walking dead and I have to say I don’t quite understand how people say they don’t really like it. Maybe the characters aren’t grabbing you into the story line but to see how the zombie apocalypse started is enough to keep me obsessed with watching it.
- I’ve been reading a book that was on Martha’s summer book list and Oprah recommended. It’s called Fin and Lady by Cathleen Schine and I absolutely love it. It’s so good I force myself to put it down because I don’t want to finish it and have it be over. Ya know what I mean?
- Cry pie. Peach and redberry cherry. It was for work. I made these so we could “cry in our pie.” And because I was once again “badgered” into making pie stuff. Just kidding. I don’t want to even talk about why we needed cry pie but it was essential to the day.

I can’t believe it’s going to be Labor Day weekend already. Where does the time go??