Just a few things I’ve been up to lately…..
1. Nero has still not come home. I’m still not over it. I miss him soooo much!
2. Please stay tuned and keep checking back because I promise you, I will be back to posting more than just the shit I’ve been up to. I already have a few drinks and snacks lined up to share with you and I want to brag about my dad and dukeschairs.com and our trip to Ohio. I figure this is like my summer vacation break. It’s a thing somewhere in the world (Europe? maybe) to take off the whole month of august and vacation somewhere. So I basically took off all of July. Ok, dumb comparison. I’m just trying to come up with excuses.
3. Reading the book “Lunch in Paris” by Elizabeth Bard. Really good summer read. And it has some recipes at the end of each chapter and there’s a few I’d like to try. I read another one of her books last year called “Picnic in Provence: A Memoir with recipes.” Also a super good book. It’s actually like the sequel to Lunch in Paris but I read them out of order and it doesn’t actually matter which one you read first. They are both good reads. And you get a lot of insight into Paris culture which I think is pretty interesting.
4. TV talk- On recommendation from my gal Lori, we started watching Animal Kingdom on TNT. Oh yeah baby! That’s some good crazy TV. We’re 2 episodes in and we were completely hooked after the first few minutes of the first episode. I’ve caught up on a few episodes of Mistresses. I like it but I’m kind of meh on the whole season so far.
5. I’ve been trying to practice my photography lately with my fancy pants camera. I’ll leave you with a few snapshots….

I, unfortunately, didn’t get to pick as many black raspberries this year as I have in the past. I only got to make a few tarts and Mikey and I inhaled them all in no time. To be honest, I ate most of them. Mikey doesn’t always like how the seeds get stuck in his teeth. That just means more for me!!
I made these patriotic cookies for Elaine who turned 40’s 4th of july picnic.
They were such a big hit. Elaine who turned 40’s sister even snuck a few in a container and hid them in her car to take home. Without asking. Elaine who turned 40 was pissed. Apparently her sister took ALOT of food home in containers she hid in her car when no one was looking. Without asking.

Our garden is actually growing pretty good this year. Tomatoes, 2 kinds of peppers, and pumpkins.
Yes there is an alligator in our garden. Doesn’t it look real?