Just a few things I’ve been up to lately……..

1. We pretty much did nothing over Labor Day weekend. I had a really rough Thursday and Friday so the 3 day weekend of relaxing was exactly what I needed. No cookouts, picnics or parties. No burgers on that grill we still never bought. Just Mexican food Friday, Sunday and Monday. And pizza on Saturday. We are so predictable. We had really nice weather and I basically did a lot of soul searching and reading.
2. Speaking of reading, I’m currently reading a book by Ann Packer called The Children’s Crusade. It’s one my mom gave me who knows how long ago. I read one of Ann Packer’s books The Dive From Clausen’s Pier many years ago and loved it. I’m talking like maybe in my top 25. Which got me to thinking that I’d really like to someday sit down with my mom and talk about and list all of our all time favorite books. My mom is a reading junkie as I may have mentioned before and like has her own library. Not really but seriously. Except for all the books she’s loaned out to myself and my Aunt Connie. But back to the current book I’m reading. It’s really good but not exactly in the way of I can’t put it down except I haven’t put it down if you know what I mean. The family in the book is kind of an interesting study in psychology which they do actually talk about in the book because the only daughter becomes a psychologist. I like the way the story bounces back and forth between characters points of view and the time line so it kind of makes for an easy read and keeps you wondering how it’s all going to play out in the end.
3. We still have some people hitting us up on Facebook about our little lost boy Nero. A few days ago someone sent us a pic about a cat that’s been hanging around her house for awhile now and it seriously looked like Nero except for 2 markings on him that just wasn’t the same. The cat is several miles from here so it’s definitely possible it could have been him. In the meantime we were outside one morning and we look out at the alley and there is this small black and white cat strolling down the road. Mikey said, “Hey look it’s a mini Nero! Or Nero reincarnated.” Now I’m obsessed with finding him because he does look like a mini Nero but without a lot of white on his face. He’s very skittish too and won’t come near us but I set some food out every night and he comes around to eat it. Nero was fixed or I’d say it was one of his kids.
4. Lots of birthdays this week! My brother in law Bill’s birthday was Monday. My nephew Dalton’s was Tuesday. He turned 17. My god is my sister getting old. And Elaine who turned 40’s birthday is Friday!! So I suppose now she will need to be referred to as crazy Elaine…(hehe) I mean Elaine who turned 40+1.