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what up wednesdays

just a few things I’ve been up to lately……
Elvira kittypants says “Hey Ma, let me help you sell stuff on Ebay!

1. Let’s talk TV- I’m seriously not even excited now for The Walking Dead. I mean like 6 months of every single day I see something on the internet about “who did Negan kill?” I’m so over it. I really no longer care. Am I going to watch it on sunday? Well, of course! But you know what I mean, right?
So I tuned in to Westworld. We watched the first 2 episodes. I can’t say I like it, but I’m definitely intrigued by it. And I watched Divorced. I kind of liked it. I’m def gonna stay tuned for a few episodes and see how it goes. Anyone watching This Is Us? I already know some of the twists in the show but the hype is still sucking me in and I may give it a go…
2. So twice in the past week I ate at a local Mexican joint. I ordered the same thing both times. It was a chicken quesadilla with brussel sprouts, butternut squash, cauliflower, a really hot pepper whose name I can’t remember, jack cheese, and goat cheese. OMG! So, so good.
3. Today it’s about 70 degrees out and the most beautiful indian summer day and I’m about to go pick jalepeno and banana peppers from my garden. And an eggplant that at first the plant was overcome by bugs and almost died and then had a second growth spurt just like my peepers and now I have an abundance in October and it’s awesome! The one and only pumpkin from our garden that turned orange in July is still around too. Hooray!
4. Still kickin it hard at the gym. Six days a week of weight lifting and cardio. I still feel like I need to kick up my cardio game a little bit more but I’m down 3 pounds and I feel so much better. Except for this damn knot in my back that pulls on my neck and sends me to the chiropractor every few weeks. #weightliftingproblems
5. I went in search of some Halloween/fall decorations for my fancy redone dining room table and apparently I’m like a month too late. Slim pickings and everything else was Christmas decorations. WAAAHH!! I guess that means I need to start xmas shopping now???

Published inwhat up wednesdays