Just a few things I’ve been up to lately…..
1. Every year I say I’m not going to take on too many things to do for Christmas and that I’m just going to keep it simple and enjoy the holiday season. Oops I did it again. I decorated the Wednesday before Thanksgiving because of Mikey’s surgery that Friday. But I need a table runner for my dining room table and couldn’t justify spending the amount of money that some of these stores wanted. Plus I found a whole bunch of Xmas fabric that I had acquired at some point which leads me to my next project. I’m going to sew my own table runner. Or placemat. I haven’t decided which one yet. And I have to sew some pillows as part of someone’s xmas gift. Another project is baking pumpkin rolls. I usually do this before thanksgiving but decided to do it for xmas for extra money to buy gifts. So now I have about 15 of those to make. Plus cookies!! I can’t not make cookies. Then of course there’s shopping. I’m almost done. Kinda sorta. Then I have to wrap all my gifts which I absolutely hate. Very un-Martha like of me I know, but I hate wrapping presents. I shouldn’t stress though because I still have a week and a half…is that all?? Oh my word!
2. TV talk!! I didn’t get to talk about This is Us last week because I hadn’t watched it yet. So I did finally get to watch it and I GASPED LOUDLY and covered my mouth and said “Oh no!!!! Not Toby!!! No no no!” Ugh. Ok, what did you think of The Walking Dead? I was just so happy Daryl escaped and got to change his clothes. Oh yeah, and for everyone to be reunited at the end. How about the look on Rick’s face when he found out what Carl did? Somebody control that child please! I was worried for Rosita and even for Eugene but of course couldn’t care less about Spencer. That was gross. I forgot to talk about the season finale of Westworld last week. It was good. Finally tied everything together and made some sense. The ending was pretty cool except for the fact that they said season 2 will be out sometime in 2018. Wtf?