Just a few things I’ve been up to lately…..
1. The Walking Dead!! I liked it! Except those new people at the end. And the fact that they say that they’re not from the comic book. I need to know now people. Someone give my the scoop. Best line ever- when Rick tells Daryl to stay behind in the kingdom and tells him to stare him (Ezekial) into submission.
2. Martha and Snoop’s Pot luck Dinner Party is back on also!! 2 new episodes on Monday. I just sit there and laugh and laugh. It’s just so bizarrely funny. Mikey says it makes him uncomfortable because it’s just so strange but it’s good.
3. I’m still on a reading kick. I read the book “A Game For All the Family” by Sophie Hannah. It started out kind of good but then just went way over the top and kind of stupid. It’s supposed to be like a psychological thriller but it was so not believable and just weird. But I had to finish it to see what happened. I can’t say that I would recommend it. I also read “The Girls of August” by Anne Rivers Siddons. I have read some of her books before and I like her writing. It flows well and I breeze through her books. This was just a simple fictional story that I would recommend if you want an easy read.
4. How was your Valentine’s Day? I got a pair of Isotoner gloves and a scarf. It may not sound very romantic but a few weeks ago I lost a glove that I had for like 10 years. All I did was whine and complain about it so Mikey went out and bought me a pair. So sweet!
what up wednesdays
Published inwhat up wednesdays