posted 4/13/22
just a few things I’ve been up to lately…..

Blowing bubbles

Made some double chocolate crinkle cookies for my future sister-in-laws wedding. If you’re wondering why I keep making cookies for her wedding and why, this neat article explains what a Pittsburgh cookie table is.

We went to the mall to see the Easter bunny.

He wasn’t too thrilled to sit beside him.

We threw pennies in the fountain and rode the elevator about 15 times. He’s talking in this pic but it looks like he’s about to fall asleep standing up.

We went to Barnes and Noble and met up with my sister and my niece. Jackson had fun and came home with about 6 new books.

Coloring Easter eggs with his Dad.

The finished shark egg with the help of cookie monster. Also the shirt had to come off when I realized that I put on an light colored shirt for a 4 year old to play with dye.

My future SIL’s bridal shower was this weekend. It was beautiful.

And so is the bride to be!

The shower was a brunch at a local winery and I just loved this donut “wall.”
All in all it was a pretty busy weekend which was good after a few low key weekends. This weekend will be busy again with the Easter holiday. I’m excited for it because my son is at that age where he gets excited for all holidays and it’s just so much fun.
Hope you have a great week!