just a few things I’ve been up to lately…..

Playground time! He’s having a lot of fun, he just refused to smile for me.

Photo bombing my photo shoot of my boston cream martini. I shared another pic just like this yesterday of Jackson “helping” me photograph my caribbean protein shake.

We went to a very popular local farmer’s market with my sister. He got a Peppa Pig paint your own cookie 2 years ago and last year when we went the vendor wasn’t there so we were so excited that they were there this year and he picked a Mario paint your own cookie which he painted and devoured the minute we got home.

Pumpkin beer and a margarita for a little happy hour Saturday afternoon. ( The pumpkin beer was mine that I had been saving since October- for no specific reason).

We went strawberry picking on sunday. His face about sums it up- he just wasn’t very into it this year. All he wanted to do was jump on the giant jumping pillow.

Cookie (hamster)monster had a great time!

They had the cutest goats on the farm.

Giant jumping pillow!

Finally got my fresh herbs planted. Sage, oregano, basil, peppermint, (not pictured rosemary), plus lavender and chocolate mint which comes back every year.

Cookie needed a bath after strawberry picking and also because we were playing with bubbles and chalk and he got really dirty.
It was such a fun great week!
Hope your week is fantastic!