just a few things I’ve been up to lately…..

This really works! I saw this on social media somewhere, about storing fresh berries in glass jars to help them last longer. It like seriously extends the life of my berries by at least 1 week if not more.

One day last week, Jackson woke up and decided he wanted to have a teddy bear birthday party. We went to the Dollar Tree and spent about $5 and got a balloon, party hats, paper plates, and a gift bag. This entertained him for several hours until he went outside with the balloon and didn’t let me tie it around anything and it flew away. He was devastated and tried not to cry. We went the next day and got another one that he kept in the house.

My sister has a subscription to an organic CSA farm and last week she was away and asked if I wanted her box of veggies. This is what was in the box. I think it’s exciting to pick up the boxes because you never know each week what you are going to get. She let me have a box last fall when she was sick and couldn’t make it for pick up. We were going to subscribe this year but I decided not to at the last minute but now I wish I would have especially because it’s like maybe 8 minutes from my house.

This is a salad I made with the lettuce, kale, and carrots that were in the box. And yes, those are sweet potato fries on top. It’s a Pittsburgh thing to put fries on a salad. This salad was delicious if I do say so myself.

Seeing double?? Laying on the chair is Asher. Underneath the chair is Pete. They look exactly alike. I sometimes can’t tell who is who except that Pete is a stray cat and has his ear clipped. Pete doesn’t let anyone pet him but he’s a very nice stray cat that I have been feeding for almost 6 years.

90 degree weather calls for water balloons!

And swimming at Aunt Trixie’s pool.

He loves to sit on this old, filthy, rusty tractor while his dad cuts grass at a different property. He won’t ride on a real tractor while it’s running. He’ll only sit on one while it’s off or broke down.

We went to a local amusement park with Aunt Trixie. This is the Three Bears house in Storybook Village. I think he liked this place the best.

Waiting in line for a trolley ride to the neighborhood of make believe. I think this is the only pic I have of him smiling. He just did not want his picture taken at the park that day.

Souvenirs from our trip to the park. He played with them all evening when we got home, took them to bed with him, and took them to his grandparents house the next day.

This is a stray kitty cat we like to find/pet when we visit his dad at work. We’re not sure if he has a home but he hangs out around the place and is very friendly. We are a magnet for stray cats.
And that’s a wrap! Such a fun and busy week!
Hope you have a great week ahead!